Charmed Times Newspaper
Did you know Charmed in Company has a newspaper? The Charmed Times is printed newspaper that comes out three times a year. It contains informative articles, current promotions & specials, and featured times. Each issue is unique.
This current issue has a Workshops & classes, Featured exclusive items, Nicodemus' fun page with gem song matching, cat signs (your astrological sign in cat terms), pendulum chart and more, Kasandras column (the all American Tooth Fairy), scentsational (Fairy scents ), Victoria's Mystical mind (finding your inner gold), astro news (full & new moons & a moon chart), Gem hub (hematite vs rose quartz), patriotic nature activities, sun energy & more!
Pick up your Free copy today.
(do not read until after you complete the gem song match on Nicodemus' fun page)
ANSWERS: Although there may be other gems that fit a song, below is how we matched them and the reason behind our choices.
1. P Amber - well known for luck and health amber has long been associated with shielding and protecting from magic and spell work.
2. M Emerald - historically associated with true and lasting love. A gem that provides the strength and depth necessary to ride the highs and lows of relationships grow through experience.
3. A Prehinite - working with this gem at night provides for more clarity of dreams and is said to aid in the retention of knowledge and imagery from them. If you have difficulty dreaming this is your gem.
4. G Turquoise - Although turquoise has many qualities along with being a travel protection gem, one that sets it apart is that it is believed to make a horse more sure footed, proving for safe travel by horseback :-)
5. H Petrified wood . A song about finding inner strength and learning form the past makes petrified wood match. It is known for its ability to stabilize and support as well as stimulate growth and inner nourishment of the self.
6. K Sunstone - The sunstone is said to embody the properties of the sun and its its naturally reflective golden orange flecks shimmer like those of a sun's rays.
7. N Tigereye - well known for it risk taking oportunistic nature and success this is the perfect gem for gamblers. Often refered to as the gambler's mascot.
8. B Tektite - created through extreme transformational processes, this meteoritic gem (part Meteor part Earth) has what it takes to handle change without fear.
9. O Angel Agate - chosen because it is a healing gem that provides emotional comfort when there is a loss. Its connection to the angelic realm also helps feel connected and supported.
10. J Moonstone - associated with all aspects of the moon. Said to change in appearance slightly as the moon goes through its phases.
11. C Natrolite - removes toxic energy form environment and within
12. I Celestite - a gem of faith and connection to a higher spiritual plane. Angelic and celestial energies and guidance
13. E Fossil - fossil energy provides one the security to work through emotional issues and find a harmonic balance as it helps to heal unrest and dis-ease.
14. F Opalite - Uplifting feel good gem for an feeling good song.
15. D Hiddenite - removes obstacles provides for spiritual growth and sense of well being, aids on in following a desire and path, clears the way for growth and progress toward goals.
16. L Lithium inside quartz, magnifies the relaxing and emotional calming properties of this gemstone.
This current issue has a Workshops & classes, Featured exclusive items, Nicodemus' fun page with gem song matching, cat signs (your astrological sign in cat terms), pendulum chart and more, Kasandras column (the all American Tooth Fairy), scentsational (Fairy scents ), Victoria's Mystical mind (finding your inner gold), astro news (full & new moons & a moon chart), Gem hub (hematite vs rose quartz), patriotic nature activities, sun energy & more!
Pick up your Free copy today.
(do not read until after you complete the gem song match on Nicodemus' fun page)
ANSWERS: Although there may be other gems that fit a song, below is how we matched them and the reason behind our choices.
1. P Amber - well known for luck and health amber has long been associated with shielding and protecting from magic and spell work.
2. M Emerald - historically associated with true and lasting love. A gem that provides the strength and depth necessary to ride the highs and lows of relationships grow through experience.
3. A Prehinite - working with this gem at night provides for more clarity of dreams and is said to aid in the retention of knowledge and imagery from them. If you have difficulty dreaming this is your gem.
4. G Turquoise - Although turquoise has many qualities along with being a travel protection gem, one that sets it apart is that it is believed to make a horse more sure footed, proving for safe travel by horseback :-)
5. H Petrified wood . A song about finding inner strength and learning form the past makes petrified wood match. It is known for its ability to stabilize and support as well as stimulate growth and inner nourishment of the self.
6. K Sunstone - The sunstone is said to embody the properties of the sun and its its naturally reflective golden orange flecks shimmer like those of a sun's rays.
7. N Tigereye - well known for it risk taking oportunistic nature and success this is the perfect gem for gamblers. Often refered to as the gambler's mascot.
8. B Tektite - created through extreme transformational processes, this meteoritic gem (part Meteor part Earth) has what it takes to handle change without fear.
9. O Angel Agate - chosen because it is a healing gem that provides emotional comfort when there is a loss. Its connection to the angelic realm also helps feel connected and supported.
10. J Moonstone - associated with all aspects of the moon. Said to change in appearance slightly as the moon goes through its phases.
11. C Natrolite - removes toxic energy form environment and within
12. I Celestite - a gem of faith and connection to a higher spiritual plane. Angelic and celestial energies and guidance
13. E Fossil - fossil energy provides one the security to work through emotional issues and find a harmonic balance as it helps to heal unrest and dis-ease.
14. F Opalite - Uplifting feel good gem for an feeling good song.
15. D Hiddenite - removes obstacles provides for spiritual growth and sense of well being, aids on in following a desire and path, clears the way for growth and progress toward goals.
16. L Lithium inside quartz, magnifies the relaxing and emotional calming properties of this gemstone.
Download your Eagle template for your painted gems! (see article in The Charmed Times Newspaper (Vol 2 Issue 2)